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Kisii County health workers threaten to go on strike
Kisii County nurses threaten to down their tools in protest of salary delays
Health workers threaten to down tools in Kisii County
Kisii County Health Workers give a notice of 14 days, threaten to strike
Health practitioners in Kisii County threaten industrial action
Clinical interns in Kisii County threaten to down tools over lack of PPEs and risk allowances
KMPDU threatens to paralyze services at Kisii referral hospital
Over 300 doctors working in Nairobi threaten to go on strike
Health workers' unions in Kisii threaten to down tools over delayed promotions
Weekend at One: Council of Governors calls on health workers for a meeting ahead of strike, 4/12/16
Nurses vow to continue with strike despite sacking threats by CoG
Health workers threaten to lay down their tools in public hospitals in over 22 counties in the count